FTDNA predict a haplogroup for all men with a minimum of 12 Y-STR markers. However, this is a very general prediction at the upper levels of the haplotree. A haplogroup and its defining SNP can only be determined by a SNP test such as the Big Y test.
Important! - Members of the Meek DNA Project should contact one of the project administrators before ordering any Y-DNA SNP test.
Most men who have taken a Y-DNA test descend from people who originated in Europe. The vast majority of men named Meek who have taken a Y-DNA test fall into a branch of R1b identified by the SNP L151.More than half of all men in Europe are in the L151 haplogroup. Men in the Meek Project fall under three of the four branches of R-L151. Group A falls under U106. Group B falls under S1194. Groups C, E, F, G, H, K, and L fall under the P312 branch. All groups other than G, K, and L were determined by Big Y tests (there is no Group D). In addition, there are two genealogical groups dating to pre-1700’s that fall under the “I” haplogroup rather than “R”.
Many organizations maintain haplotrees, some more authoritative than others. For Meek Project, check the public haplotree at FTDNA or contact one of the group administrator. It requires two Big Y tests for FTDNA to add a SNP and/or branch to their haplotree.
Meek Group A - R-JFS3026

Group A includes men who fall into the U106 branch of L151. More specifically, the U198 branch of U106. No one named Meek(s), who has tested, outside of Group A has tested positive for U106. The Meek Project in cooperation with the U198 Project worked closely with FTDNA to discover 4 SNPs and add two levels to the haplotree.
There are three men, thus far, who are positive for JFS3026 and two who are positive for a sub-branch named FT77753. Four men named Brown are related to men named Meek(s) in Group A within genealogical time frames and possible in the 1600’s. They are positive for JFS0217. The single man named Gibson connects much further back in time.
Meek Group B - R-BY25608

The haplogroup and SNP for Group B is R-BY25608. Men in Group B are the only ones thus far who are in the S1194 branch of L151 haplogroup. Twelve members, at least one man in each of the major subgroups, have taken the Big Y SNP test.
Group B is the largest group within the Meek DNA Project. It has four major genealogy one of which has multiple genetic branches and lower level sub-branch.
A small group of men named Smith are positive for BY25610, the parent SNP of BY25608, and were instrumental in assisting in the identification of BY25608. The two members are positive for sub-branches A21306 and A21312.
See review of Big Y results.
See full report.
Meek Group C - R-PH1247

Group C has one member with a Big Y test. The haplogroup is PH1247, a branch of P312 and its descendant L21. This is a highly populated are of the P312 haplogroup. In fact, PH1247 has three levels of descendants. The only reasonable way to find the correct terminal SNP would be through the additional purchases of Big Y test.
Meek Group E - R-A21073

The haplogroup for Group E is R-A21073. This SNP is in a lesser populated branch of the large European haplogroup P312.
Group E is the second largest group within the Meek DNA Project. Group E consists of descendants of eight known Revolutionary era Meek ancestor and other ancestors born more recently. Group E is divided into three genetic branches. Each has descendant branches. Nine members have taken the Big Y test.
Meek Group F - R-FT80274

The terminal SNP for Group F is R-FT80274. This SNP is part the large European haplogroup P312 as well as the ubiquitous L21 haplogroup. Members of Group F will have numerous STR matches with men of other surnames which are usually part of the L193 haplogroup. Any connections between surnames likely pre-date surnames.
FT80274 was identified based on three Big Y tests
Group F includes two major subgroups one of which includes men with known Scottish origins. In addition, the STR marker signature for the American branch shows two subgroups that were previously unknown.
Small Groups
Group G – R-M269 predicted. R-P311>P312>L21>DF13>ZZ10>MC14>BY246/248 (MacWho)-(Based on STR markers)
Group H - R-BY147993. One Big Y test. This is in L21 subgroup. See review of Big Y results.
Group K – R-M269 predicted. Probably in L21 subgroup.
Group L – R-M269 predicted.
Group I1 N-a – I-M253 predicted. British Isles and Australia.
Group I1 N-b – I-M253 predicted. British Isles
Group J - J-CTS11760. Big Y test by a man named Grady and may not apply to the one Meeks member.